The impact of sound and vibrations on the human body


Sound waves produced by the singing bowls penetrate the tissues in the human body, due to the high contents of water (70 – 80%) in our system. Water carries the vibrations into the body resulting in pleasant sensations, similar to manual massage. Scientific research has revealed that each organ has its individual sound frequency and a change in this base frequency is among the first signs of illness or malfunction. Therefore, diseased cells have a different frequency than healthy ones. The balance of our cells and tissues can be restored through the influence of appropriate sounds, in accordance with the resonance principle. After the singing bowls massage, we feel relaxed, calm and more cheerful. Pains, aches and muscle tension are gone.

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Sounds affect our bodies, minds and spirit in many different dimensions. The vibrations of singing bowls projected onto and into a human body – through air or direct contact – promote a state of natural equilibrium called cell homeostasis, neutralising any physical or emotional strains. The timbre of singing bowls is exceptionally rich and has a broad range of frequencies, which slows down brain activity, synchronises both hemispheres and promotes transition from the active beta state to state alpha (so-called wakeful relaxation) or even state theta (deep meditation and sleep).

Processing sounds
Sound massage engages the senses of hearing (sound perception) and touch (somatic and sensory perception). During listening, sound wave first reaches the outer ear, and is then carried to the inner ear where it is transformed into an electrochemical impulse. The impulse is passed on to the brain via the auditory nerve, which triggers relevant reactions in interconnected parts of the brain. Even though it is not exactly known how and in which parts the brain processes music and sounds, it is certain that sound perception is linked to physiologically complex brain activity.

Sound perception
Apart from hearing, sound waves also affect our somatic and sensory system. Human sound perception ranges from 0 to 400 Hz. Optimal sensory sound frequency for humans ranges from 150 to 300 Hz (Bierbauemer & Schmidt, 2006). Peter Hess’s therapeutic singing bowls produce exactly these frequencies of sound. The are sensed through skin (exteroception), and through the inside of the body (interoception). Interoception includes prioprioception (through muscles, tendons and ligaments) and visceroception (through sensory receptors).